We will use a dataset (from Fandos et al. 2022) of dispersal distances of European birds. One important question is whether birds overall have greater dispersal requirements when first leaving the nest where they hatched (natal dispersal) or when dispersing as adults among different breeding sites (breeding dispersal).
The code below will download the data, and reshape it into a form that is useful for us. Note that, because we don’t have breeding and natal values for all species, we will have slightly different sample sizes for each.
url = "https://zenodo.org/records/7191344/files/Table_S14_%20species_dispersal_distances_v1_0_2.csv?download=1"
disp = fread(url)
# get rid of columns we won't use, and subset to only breeding/natal dispersal
disp = disp[type %in% c("breeding", "natal"),
.(species, median, n, function_id, function_comparison, type, sex_code)]
# they fit four dispersal functions per species/type/sex
# the column function_comparison tells you how good each fit was relative to the others
# we will use it to compute the weighted mean dispersal distance across the different models
disp = disp[, .(disp_dist = weighted.mean(median, function_comparison, na.rm - TRUE),
n = sum(n, na.rm = TRUE)), by = .(species, type, sex_code)]
# we will further aggregate by sex (since the paper found little difference among sexes)
# this time with sample size as the weights
disp = disp[, .(disp_dist = weighted.mean(disp_dist, n, na.rm = TRUE)), by = .(species, type)]
# split into two datasets
breeding = disp$disp_dist[disp$type == 'breeding']
natal = disp$disp_dist[disp$type == 'natal']
The original paper details many important factors that might influence dispersal distance, but we will focus on a relatively simple hypothesis: Averaging across all species, natal dispersal exceeds breeding dispersal.
Some guidance to get you thinking about the exercise: