Maximum Likelihood & Optimisation

Lauren Talluto


The problem of parameter estimation

  • In the Zombie example, we knew the probability of being a zombie: \(p_z = 0.3\)
  • We wanted to know the probability of observing some number of zombies \(k\) in a sample of \(n=10\)
  • More typically, we would observe \(k\) via taking a sample of size \(n\), and then try to estimate \(p_z\).

Sampling a population

  • We sampled a large population to determine the rate of zombism.
  • Assume samples were random, iid
  • Given a sample of \(n=25\), we observed \(k=7\) zombies.
  • Estimate \(p_z\), the proportion of the population that is a zombie.

Sampling a population

  • We sampled a large population to determine the rate of zombism.
  • Assume samples were random, iid
  • Given a sample of \(n=25\), we observed \(k=7\) zombies.
  • Estimate \(p_z\), the proportion of the population that is a zombie.
  • Intuition: We know the best estimate is \(p_z = 7/25 \approx 0.28\). Why?

Sampling a population

  • We sampled a large population to determine the rate of zombism.
  • Assume samples were random, iid
  • Given a sample of \(n=25\), we observed \(k=7\) zombies.
  • Estimate \(p_z\), the proportion of the population that is a zombie.
  • Intuition: We know the best estimate is \(p_z = 7/25 \approx 0.28\). Why?
  • However: Many other values of \(p_z\) are nearly as likely.
    • Here, even if \(p_z = 0.4\), there is an 8% chance of getting \(k = 7\).

Parameter estimation

  • We need a general method for parameter estimation
  • In this case, want to estimate \(p_z\)
  • Understanding the uncertainty in our estimate would also be nice

The likelihood model

The likelihood model

  • Example: \(\theta = p_z\), assume for the moment that \(p_z = 0.4\)
  • What is the probability of observing the data (\(k = 7\) with\(n = 25\)) if this model is true?

The likelihood model

  • Example: \(\theta = p_z\), assume for the moment that \(p_z = 0.4\)
  • What is the probability of observing the data (\(k = 7\) with\(n = 25\)) if this model is true?

\[ pr(k=7| p_z = 0.4, n = 25) = ? \]

Any guesses how?

The likelihood model

  • We already described this system with a binomial process
  • This is a generative model: we describe the statistical process (a binomial process with p = 0.4) that produces the observed data.
  • We can evaluate it with built-in functions in R

The likelihood model

  • We already described this system with a binomial process
  • This is a generative model: we describe the statistical process (a binomial process with p = 0.4) that produces the observed data.
  • We can evaluate it with built-in functions in R
# x is observation, in this case, k = 7
# size is n, the number of trials
# prob is the model parameter
dbinom(x = 7, size = 25, prob = 0.4)
## [1] 0.07998648

The likelihood model

# x is observation, in this case, k = 7
# size is n, the number of trials
# prob is the model parameter
dbinom(x = 7, size = 25, prob = 0.4)
## [1] 0.07998648

We can try another model to see if it’s better:

dbinom(x = 7, size = 25, prob = 0.2)
## [1] 0.1108419

The likelihood model

# x is observation, in this case, k = 7
# size is n, the number of trials
# prob is the model parameter
dbinom(x = 7, size = 25, prob = 0.4)
## [1] 0.07998648

We can try another model to see if it’s better:

dbinom(x = 7, size = 25, prob = 0.2)
## [1] 0.1108419

And we can plot it against many different potential models

# different potential values for p, which must be between 0 and 1
models = seq(0, 1, 0.005)
probs = dbinom(x = 7, size = 25, prob = models)
binom_models = data.frame(models, probs)
binom_plot = ggplot(binom_models, aes(x = models, y = probs)) + geom_line()

Likelihood functions

  • The likelihood function is a function f of the data \(X\) and model/parameters \(\theta\)
  • Here \(X = \{k\}\) and \(\theta = \{p_z\}\)
    • \(n\) is a constant defined by our study design.
  • \(f(X,\theta)\) returns the probability of observing \(X\), given a particular model \(\theta\): \(pr(X|\theta)\)
  • Here, the binomial PMF is a useful likelihood function

Likelihood functions

  • Intuition is fine, but how do we estimate or solve for the maximum likelihood? Guessing might take a long time!

Solving for the MLE

\[ \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}(k,n|p) & = {n \choose k} p^k(1-p)^{(n-k)} \end{aligned} \]

Solving for the MLE

\[ \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}(k,n|p) & = {n \choose k} p^k(1-p)^{(n-k)} \\ \frac{d \mathcal{L}(k,n|p)}{dp} & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} - {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} \end{aligned} \]

Solving for the MLE

\[ \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}(k,n|p) & = {n \choose k} p^k(1-p)^{(n-k)} \\ \frac{d \mathcal{L}(k,n|p)}{dp} & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} - {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} \\ & = 0 \end{aligned} \]

Solving for the MLE

\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{d \mathcal{L}(k,n|p)}{dp} = 0 & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} - {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} \\ {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} \end{aligned} \]

Solving for the MLE

\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{d \mathcal{L}(k,n|p)}{dp} = 0 & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} - {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} \\ {\xcancel{n \choose k}} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} & = {\xcancel{n \choose k}}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} \end{aligned} \]

Solving for the MLE

\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{d \mathcal{L}(k,n|p)}{dp} = 0 & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} - {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} \\ {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} \\ p(p^{k-1}) (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} & = kp^{k-1}(1-p)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} \\ \end{aligned} \]

Solving for the MLE

\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{d \mathcal{L}(k,n|p)}{dp} = 0 & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} - {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} \\ {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} \\ p{\xcancel{(p^{k-1})}} (n-k){\xcancel{(1-p)^{(n-k-1)}}} & = k{\xcancel{p^{k-1}}}(1-p){\xcancel{(1-p)^{(n-k-1)}}} \\ \end{aligned} \]

Solving for the MLE

\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{d \mathcal{L}(k,n|p)}{dp} = 0 & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} - {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} \\ {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} \\ p(p^{k-1}) (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} & = kp^{k-1}(1-p)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} \\ p (n-k) & = k(1-p) \\ \end{aligned} \]

Solving for the MLE

\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{d \mathcal{L}(k,n|p)}{dp} = 0 & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} - {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} \\ {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} \\ p(p^{k-1}) (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} & = kp^{k-1}(1-p)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} \\ p (n-k) & = k(1-p) \\ pn -pk & = k-pk \\ \end{aligned} \]

Solving for the MLE

\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{d \mathcal{L}(k,n|p)}{dp} = 0 & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} - {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} \\ {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} \\ p(p^{k-1}) (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} & = kp^{k-1}(1-p)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} \\ p (n-k) & = k(1-p) \\ pn - {\xcancel{pk}} & = k-{\xcancel{pk}} \\ \end{aligned} \]

Solving for the MLE

\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{d \mathcal{L}(k,n|p)}{dp} = 0 & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} - {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} \\ {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} \\ p(p^{k-1}) (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} & = kp^{k-1}(1-p)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} \\ p (n-k) & = k(1-p) \\ pn -pk & = k-pk \\ pn & = k \\ \end{aligned} \]

Solving for the MLE

\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{d \mathcal{L}(k,n|p)}{dp} = 0 & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} - {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} \\ {n \choose k} p^k (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} & = {n \choose k}kp^{k-1}(1-p)^{(n-k)} \\ p(p^{k-1}) (n-k)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} & = kp^{k-1}(1-p)(1-p)^{(n-k-1)} \\ p (n-k) & = k(1-p) \\ pn -pk & = k-pk \\ pn & = k \\ p & = \frac{k}{n} \\ \end{aligned} \]



# define our data set
n = 25
k = 7

# write a custom function that returns the log likelihood
llfun = function(p, n, k) {
  dbinom(k, n, p, log=TRUE) ## why log??

# we need an initial guess for the parameter we want to optimise
p_init = 0.5


# optim will start at p_init, evaluate llfun using the data we pass
# and return the optimum (if found)
# the terms n = ... and k = ... must be named the way they are in llfun
optim(p_init, llfun, method = "Brent", n = n, k = k, control = list(fnscale = -1), lower=0, upper=1)
## $par
## [1] 0.28
## $value
## [1] -1.740834
## $counts
## function gradient 
##       NA       NA 
## $convergence
## [1] 0
## $message

Parameter estimation in Stan


  1. Write a Stan model in a .stan file
  2. Prepare all data in R
  3. Use the rstan package to invoke the Stan interpreter
    • Translates your model into a C++ program then compiles for your computer
  4. Run the program from R using functions in the rstan package.

Parameter estimation in Stan

  • All Stan programs need a data block where you define any input data for your model
    • Variables must have a type
    • Here, int indicates a variable that is an integer
    • Constraints give rules about variables; here k must be positive, and n >= k
    • The data block is also a great place for constants (like n)!

File: vu_advstats_students/stan/zomb_p.stan

data {
    int <lower = 0> k;
    int <lower = k> n;

Parameter estimation in Stan

  • In the parameters block, we define unknowns that we want to estimate
    • p is a real number between 0 and 1

File: vu_advstats_students/stan/zomb_p.stan

data {
    int <lower = 0> k;
    int <lower = k> n;
parameters {
    real <lower = 0, upper = 1> p;

Parameter estimation in Stan

  • In the model block we specify our likelihood function
    • k comes from a binomial distribution with n observations and probability parameter p

File: vu_advstats_students/stan/zomb_p.stan

data {
    int <lower = 0> k;
    int <lower = k> n;
parameters {
    real <lower = 0, upper = 1> p;
model {
    k ~ binomial(n, p);

Parameter estimation in Stan

  • In R, we load the rstan package
  • Next we compile the model using stan_model
    • Compiled models don’t need to be re-compiled unless the code in the .stan file changes!
# assuming working directory is vu_advstats_students
zomb_p = stan_model("stan/zomb_p.stan")

Parameter estimation in Stan

  • We next create a data list that we will pass on to Stan
  • Finally, we can use optimizing, which works similar to optim but for Stan models
# assuming working directory is vu_advstats_students

## reminder: only do this once unless zomb_p.stan changes!
zomb_p = stan_model("stan/zomb_p.stan")

# prepare data
# names must match the data block in Stan
zomb_data = list(n = 25, k = 7)

# estimate the parameter
optimizing(zomb_p, data = zomb_data)
## $par
##         p 
## 0.2800003 
## $value
## [1] -14.82383
## $return_code
## [1] 0
## $theta_tilde
##              p
## [1,] 0.2800003

Generalising to multiple observations

  • Remember the product rule: for two independent events,

\[pr(A,B) = pr(A)pr(B)\]

  • Likelihoods are probabilities, and we like to assume each data point is independent. Thus:

\[ \begin{array} \mathcal{L}(X_{1..n}|\theta) & = \prod_{i=1}^{n} \mathcal{L}(X_i|\theta) \\ & \mathrm{or} \\ \log \mathcal{L}(X_{1..n}|\theta) &= \sum_{i=1}^{n} \log \mathcal{L}(X_i|\theta) \end{array} \]

Generalising to multiple observations

  • Remember the product rule: for two independent events,

\[pr(A,B) = pr(A)pr(B)\]

  • Likelihoods are probabilities, and we like to assume each data point is independent. Thus:

\[ \begin{array} \mathcal{L}(X_{1..n}|\theta) & = \prod_{i=1}^{n} \mathcal{L}(X_i|\theta) \\ & \mathrm{or} \\ \log \mathcal{L}(X_{1..n}|\theta) &= \sum_{i=1}^{n} \log \mathcal{L}(X_i|\theta) \end{array} \]

# define our data set and initial guess
n_vec = c(25, 12, 134)
k_vec = c(7, 4, 27)
p_init = 0.5

# we take the sum of all the individual log liklihoods
llfun = function(p, n, k) {
  sum(dbinom(k, n, p, log=TRUE))

# take only the part we want out of this, $par, the parameter estimate
optim(p_init, llfun, method = "Brent", n = n_vec, k = k_vec, 
      control = list(fnscale = -1), lower=0, upper=1)$par
## [1] 0.2222222

Multiple observations in Stan

  • k and n are arrays of ints, each with a length of n_obs
  • Comments indicated with //
  • The binomial function is vectorised, can operate on multiple observations with no changes.
data {
    int <lower = 1> n_obs; // number of data points
    int <lower = 0> k [n_obs];
    int <lower = 0> n [n_obs]; // number of trials for each data point
parameters {
    real <lower = 0, upper = 1> p;
model {
    k ~ binomial(n, p);
zomb_p2 = stan_model("stan/zomb_p2.stan") 

Multiple observations in Stan

# prepare data
# names must match the data block in Stan
zomb_data = list(n = c(25, 12, 134), k = c(7, 4, 27), n_obs = 3)

# estimate the parameter
optimizing(zomb_p2, data = zomb_data)$par
##         p 
## 0.2222296

Why Bayes?

What is the probability that my model is correct given what I already know about it and what I’ve learned?

\[ pr(\theta | X) \]

Applying Bayes’ Theorem

\[ pr(\theta | X) = \frac{pr(X|\theta)pr(\theta)}{pr(X)} \]

Applying Bayes’ Theorem

\[ pr(\theta | X) = \frac{pr(X|\theta)pr(\theta)}{pr(X)} \]

When we do Bayesian inference, each of these terms is a full probability distribution

The normalizing constant

The normalizing constant

More generally:

The normalizing constant

More generally:

The normalizing constant

More generally:

\[ pr(X) = \int_a^b pr(X|\theta)pr(\theta)d \theta \]

Proportional Bayes’ Theorem

Proportional Bayes’ Theorem

\[ pr(\theta|X) \propto pr(X|\theta)pr(\theta) \]

\[ pr(X|\theta) = pr(k,n|p) = {n \choose k} p^k(1-p)^{(n-k)} \]

How to choose the prior, \(pr(\theta)\)?

What do we know about p?

  • Must be between 0 and 1.
  • We could assign equal probabilities using a uniform distribution:
theta = seq(0, 1, 0.01)
pr_theta = dunif(theta, min = 0, max = 1)
plot(theta, pr_theta, type = 'l')

What do we know about p?

  • Must be between 0 and 1.
  • We could assign equal probabilities using a uniform distribution.
  • Not very flexible. Maybe we think central values are slightly more likely?
  • A beta distribution makes many shapes possible
theta = seq(0, 1, 0.01)
pr_theta_1 = dbeta(theta, shape1 = 1, shape2 = 1)

Maximum A Posteriori Estimation

log_liklihood = function(p, n, k)
  sum(dbinom(k, n, p, log=TRUE))

log_prior = function(p, a, b)
  dbeta(p, a, b, log = TRUE)

log_posterior = function(p, n, k, a, b)
  log_liklihood(p, n, k) + log_prior(p, a, b)
// Saved in vu_advstats_students/stan/zomb_p_bayes.stan
data {
    int <lower = 1> n_obs;
    int <lower = 0> k [n_obs];
    int <lower = 0> n [n_obs];
    real <lower = 0> a;
    real <lower = 0> b;
parameters {
    real <lower = 0, upper = 1> p;
model {
    k ~ binomial(n, p);
    p ~ beta(a, b);

Maximum A Posteriori Estimation

Now we can fit the model, either in R or in Stan

zomb_p_bayes = stan_model("stan/zomb_p_bayes.stan")
zomb_data = list(
    n_obs = 1,
    n = as.array(25), # force a single-value array, avoids an error
    k = as.array(7),
    a = 1, # totally flat prior to start
    b = 1

## starting value for the optimisation
p_init = 0.5

optim(p_init, log_posterior, method = "Brent", n = zomb_data$n, 
    k = zomb_data$k, a = zomb_data$a, b = zomb_data$b, 
    control = list(fnscale = -1), lower=0, upper=1)$par
## [1] 0.28

optimizing(zomb_p_bayes, data = zomb_data)$par
##         p 
## 0.2800001

This prior has no influence on the posterior

Changing the prior

zomb_data$a = 2; zomb_data$b = 2
optimizing(zomb_p_bayes, data = zomb_data)$par
##         p 
## 0.2963022
zomb_data$a = 3; zomb_data$b = 1.5
optimizing(zomb_p_bayes, data = zomb_data)$par
##         p 
## 0.3272728

These priors are informative, but relatively weak (our data has weight equivalent to alpha=7, beta=18)

Changing the prior

What if we had already conducted an identical prior sample, with 20 zombies and 5 normals?

zomb_data$a = 20; zomb_data$b = 5
optimizing(zomb_p_bayes, data = zomb_data)$par
##         p 
## 0.5416636

Geting a normalized posterior

Geting a normalized posterior

\[ \begin{aligned} \overset{\small \color{blue}{prior}}{pr(p)} & = \mathrm{Beta}(a, b) \\ \\ \overset{\small \color{blue}{likelihood}}{pr(k,n | p)} & = \mathrm{Binomial}(k, n, p) \end{aligned} \]

Geting a normalized posterior

\[ \begin{aligned} \overset{\small \color{blue}{prior}}{pr(p)} & = \mathrm{Beta}(a, b) \\ \\ \overset{\small \color{blue}{likelihood}}{pr(k,n | p)} & = \mathrm{Binomial}(k, n, p) \\ \\ \overset{\small \color{blue}{posterior}}{pr(p | k,n,a,b)} &= \mathrm{Beta}(a + k, b + n - k) \end{aligned} \]

Geting a normalized posterior

Geting a normalized posterior

Geting a normalized posterior