Hierarchical Models

Lauren Talluto


Kidney cancer death rates in the US

  • Kidney cancer death rates in the US, by county
  • Is there a geographic pattern? If so, why?

Data source: Gelman et al. 2004. Bayesian Data Analysis.

Kidney cancer death rates in the US

  • Kidney cancer death rates in the US, by county
  • Is there a geographic pattern? If so, why?

Kidney cancer death rates in the US

Kidney cancer death rates in the US

  • Counties in the extreme quantiles are also among the smallest!
  • How can we estimate county-specific rates in a reasonable way?
`Mean population size by quantile
Highest 10% 32328
Lowest 10% 22125
Middle 80% 208246
# Overall rate for the whole country
(mean_rate = with(counties, 
                  sum(kc_deaths, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(population, na.rm = TRUE)))
## [1] 4.983687e-05

# expected value when population size = 25000
mean_rate * 25000
## [1] 1.245922

Kidney cancer Stan model: global/constant rate

  • Our data are counts, suggesting Poisson
    • We don’t use binomial in part because we care about death rate, not probability
  • Here we build a model accounting for exposure (population size)
  • We assume mortality rate \(\lambda\) is constant for the entire dataset
    • \(\lambda\) is pooled across units (county)
(cancer = readRDS("../vu_advstats_students/data/us_k_cancer.rds"))
##         state     county kidney_cancer_deaths population death_rate_per_1000
##        <char>     <char>                <int>      <int>               <num>
##    1: alabama    autauga                    2      61921          0.03229922
##    2: alabama    baldwin                    7     170945          0.04094884
##    3: alabama    barbour                    0      33316          0.00000000
##    4: alabama       bibb                    0      30152          0.00000000
##    5: alabama     blount                    3      88342          0.03395893
##   ---                                                                       
## 6256: wyoming sweetwater                    2     104192          0.01919533
## 6257: wyoming      teton                    0      26751          0.00000000
## 6258: wyoming      uinta                    1      52910          0.01890002
## 6259: wyoming   washakie                    2      22814          0.08766547
## 6260: wyoming     weston                    0      17802          0.00000000

Kidney cancer Stan model: global/constant rate

  • Our data are counts, suggesting Poisson
    • We don’t use binomial in part because we care about death rate, not probability
  • Here we build a model accounting for exposure (population size)
  • We assume mortality rate \(\lambda\) is constant for the entire dataset
    • \(\lambda\) is pooled across units (county)
data {
    int <lower = 1> n;
    int <lower = 0> deaths [n];
    int <lower = 0> population [n];
    real <lower = 0> alpha;
    real <lower = 0> beta;
transformed data {
    // cancer is rare, lets make the numbers more reasonable
    vector <lower = 0> [n] exposure;
    for(i in 1:n)
        exposure[i] = population[i] / 1000.0;
parameters {
    real <lower = 0> lambda;
model {
    deaths ~ poisson(exposure * lambda);
    lambda ~ gamma(alpha, beta);

Kidney cancer Stan model: global/constant rate

  • Our data are counts, suggesting Poisson
    • We don’t use binomial in part because we care about death rate, not probability
  • Here we build a model accounting for exposure (population size)
  • We assume mortality rate \(\lambda\) is constant for the entire dataset
    • \(\lambda\) is pooled across units (county)
    • Interpretation of \(\lambda\): cancer deaths per five years per 1000 people

Question: Is there geographic variation in cancer rates?

cancer_pooled = stan_model("stan/kidney_cancer_pooled.stan")
cancer = cancer[complete.cases(cancer)]
cancer_data_stan = list(
    n = nrow(cancer),
    deaths = cancer$kidney_cancer_deaths,
    population = cancer$population,
    alpha = 0.01, # extremely vague priors, probably too vague!
    beta = 0.01
cancer_p_fit = sampling(cancer_pooled, data = cancer_data_stan, refresh = 0)
quantile(as.matrix(cancer_p_fit, pars = "lambda")[,1], c(0.05, 0.95))
##         5%        95% 
## 0.04989637 0.05063215

Kidney cancer Stan model: rates per county

  • We assume mortality rate \(\lambda\) is independent for each county
    • \(\lambda\) is unpooled across units (county)
  • This model has a lot of parameters, and doesn’t fit well
  • Max of 2 observations per lambda!
data {
    int <lower = 1> n;
    int <lower = 1> n_counties;
    int <lower = 0> deaths [n];
    int <lower = 0> population [n];
    int <lower = 0, upper = n_counties> county_id [n];
    real <lower = 0> alpha;
    real <lower = 0> beta;
transformed data {
    // cancer is rare, lets make the numbers more reasonable
    vector <lower = 0> [n] exposure;
    for(i in 1:n)
        exposure[i] = population[i] / 1000.0;
parameters {
    vector <lower = 0> [n_counties] lambda;
model {
    for(i in 1:n) {
        int j = county_id[i];
        deaths[i] ~ poisson(exposure[i] * lambda[j]);
    lambda ~ gamma(alpha, beta);

Kidney cancer Stan model: partial pooling

  • We can use the overall rate for the whole country as a prior for individual counties
  • Areas with few observations will use the whole country as a slight reality check
  • \(\lambda\) is partially pooled

data {
    int <lower = 1> n;
    int <lower = 1> n_counties;
    int <lower = 0> deaths [n];
    int <lower = 0> population [n];
    int <lower = 0, upper = n_counties> county_id [n];

    // hyper-hyper parameters, for the hyperprior
    real <lower = 0> a_alpha;
    real <lower = 0> a_beta;
    real <lower = 0> b_alpha;
    real <lower = 0> b_beta;
transformed data {
    // cancer is rare, lets make the numbers more reasonable
    vector <lower = 0> [n] exposure;
    for(i in 1:n)
        exposure[i] = population[i] / 1000.0;
parameters {
    vector <lower = 0> [n_counties] lambda;
    // prior hyperparameters for lambda are now parameters we will estimate!
    real <lower = 0> alpha;
    real <lower = 0> beta;
model {
    for(i in 1:n) {
        int j = county_id[i];
        deaths[i] ~ poisson(exposure[i] * lambda[j]);
    // prior for lambda
    lambda ~ gamma(alpha, beta);
    // hyperpriors for alpha and beta
    alpha ~ gamma(a_alpha, a_beta);
    beta ~ gamma(b_alpha, b_beta);
generated quantities {
    // save the overal mean and variance in cancer rate
    real lambda_mu = alpha/beta;
    real lambda_var = alpha/beta^2;

Kidney cancer Stan model: partial pooling

  • We can use the overall rate for the whole country as a prior for individual counties
  • Areas with few observations will use the whole country as a slight reality check
  • \(\lambda\) is partially pooled
  • Parameters with limited information can borrow strength from the rest of the dataset
  • We must take care when choosing the hyperprior parameters
    • this cancer is rare, less than one per 1000 on average
    • we choose a range for alpha and beta that is wide, but makes mostly impossible values very unlikely
## [1] 0.00214512
## [1] 0.009377513
alpha_a = 0.01
beta_a = 1

# our hyperparameter alpha has a 99% prob of being between these two values
(a_int = qgamma(c(0.01, 0.99), alpha_a, beta_a))
## [1] 5.660738e-201  2.650526e-01

alpha_b = 0.8
beta_b = 0.4
# our hyperparameter beta has a 99% prob of being between these two values
(b_int = (round(qgamma(c(0.01, 0.99), alpha_b, beta_b), 2)))
## [1]  0.01 10.32

## what would the mean lambda look like at these extremes?
round(matrix(c(a_int[1] / b_int[1], a_int[2]/b_int[1], a_int[1] / b_int[2], a_int[2] / b_int[2]), nrow = 2, 
       dimnames = list(c("min a", "max a"), c("min b", "max b"))),2)
##       min b max b
## min a  0.00  0.00
## max a 26.51  0.03

cancer_data_stan$a_alpha = alpha_a
cancer_data_stan$b_alpha = alpha_b
cancer_data_stan$a_beta = beta_a
cancer_data_stan$b_beta = beta_b

Kidney cancer Stan model: partially pooled rates per county

  • We can use the overall rate for the whole country as a prior for individual counties
  • Areas with few observations will use the whole country as a slight reality check
  • \(\lambda\) is partially pooled
  • Parameters with limited information can borrow strength from the rest of the dataset
  • We must take care when choosing the hyperprior parameters
    • this cancer is rare, less than one per 1000 on average
    • we choose a range for alpha and beta that is wide, but makes mostly impossible values very unlikely
cancer_unpooled = stan_model("stan/kidney_cancer_ppooled.stan")
cancer$county_id = as.integer(factor(cancer$county))
cancer_data_stan$county_id = cancer$county_id
cancer_data_stan$n_counties = max(cancer$county_id)

cancer_ppool_fit = sampling(cancer_ppooled, data = cancer_data_stan, refresh = 0, iter = 5000)
cancer_ppool_samps = as.matrix(cancer_ppool_fit, pars = "lambda")
quants = t(apply(cancer_ppool_samps , 2, quantile, c(0.05, 0.95)))
## parameters          5%        95%
##   lambda[1] 0.04955227 0.10113314
##   lambda[2] 0.05096910 0.09156240
##   lambda[3] 0.04524905 0.09524071
##   lambda[4] 0.03334261 0.05388143
##   lambda[5] 0.03801103 0.07283501
##   lambda[6] 0.03671909 0.04921456

# quantile interval for the overall mean
round(rbind(pooled = quantile(as.matrix(cancer_p_fit, pars = "lambda"), c(0.05, 0.95)),
    partial_pooled = quantile(as.matrix(cancer_ppool_fit, pars = "lambda_mu"), c(0.05, 0.95))), 4)
##                    5%    95%
## pooled         0.0499 0.0506
## partial_pooled 0.0508 0.0527

Kidney cancer Stan model: partially pooled maps

Kidney cancer Stan model: partially pooled maps

Precipitation-mortality relationships in Tsuga

  • We return to the mortality of trees in North American forests
  • The dataset contains information for multiple species and years
    • there is replication within units
  • For now, we focus on Tsuga canadensis
trees = fread("../vu_advstats_students/data/treedata.csv")
tsuga = trees[grep("Tsuga", species_name)]
# remove NAs
tsuga = tsuga[complete.cases(tsuga), ]
##        n  died  year     species_name annual_mean_temp tot_annual_pp   prior_mu
##    <int> <int> <int>           <char>            <num>         <num>      <num>
## 1:     5     3  1989 Tsuga canadensis         3.849333     1003.0000 0.02222166
## 2:     6     0  1989 Tsuga canadensis         3.452000     1076.1333 0.02222166
## 3:     3     0  1997 Tsuga canadensis         3.620000     1099.4000 0.03245619
## 4:     4     4  1989 Tsuga canadensis         4.596000      989.4667 0.02222166
## 5:     3     0  1994 Tsuga canadensis         4.244667     1116.2000 0.02816339
## 6:     7     0  2002 Tsuga canadensis         4.730000     1137.2667 0.04108793

Precipitation-mortality relationships in Tsuga: H1

  • Question: Does mortality of Tsuga canadensis vary with precipitation?
    • The species generally prefers moist conditions
  • Hypothesis 1: The precipitation-mortality relationship is the same across all years (Complete pooling, 2 params)

Precipitation-mortality relationships in Tsuga: H2

  • Question: Does mortality of Tsuga canadensis vary with precipitation?
    • The species generally prefers moist conditions
  • Hypothesis 1: The precipitation-mortality relationship is the same across all years (Complete pooling, 2 params)
  • Hypothesis 2: The average survival varies by year, but the slope between precipitation and mortality is constant (Unpooled intercepts, pooled slopes, 17 params)
    • Sample size by year ranges from 1 to 208

Precipitation-mortality relationships in Tsuga: H3

  • Question: Does mortality of Tsuga canadensis vary with precipitation?
    • The species generally prefers moist conditions
  • Hypothesis 1: The precipitation-mortality relationship is the same across all years (Complete pooling, 2 params)
  • Hypothesis 2: The average survival varies by year, but the slope between precipitation and mortality is constant (Unpooled intercepts, pooled slopes, 17 params)
    • Sample size by year ranges from 1 to 208
  • Hypothesis 3: There is a different regression line for each year (No pooling, 32 parameters)

Pooled model: code

data {
    // number of data points
    int <lower=0> n; 
    // number of trees in each plot
    int <lower=1> n_trees [n]; 

    // number died
    int <lower=0> died [n]; 
    vector [n] precip;
parameters {
    real a;
    real b;
transformed parameters {
    vector <lower=0, upper=1> [n] p;
    p = inv_logit(a + b * precip);
model {
    died ~ binomial(n_trees, p);
    a ~ normal(0, 10);
    b ~ normal(0, 5);
generated quantities {
    // we use generated quantities to keep track of log likelihood and
    // deviance, useful for model selection
    // and also to perform poserior predictive simulations
    real deviance = 0;
    vector [n] loglik;
    int ppd_died [n];
    for (i in 1:n) {
        loglik[i] = binomial_lpmf(died[i] | n_trees[i], p[i]);
        deviance += loglik[i];
        ppd_died[i] = binomial_rng(20, p[i]);
    deviance = -2 * deviance;

Pooled models trade accuracy for precision

Pooled models trade accuracy for precision

Unpooled model: code

data {
    // not the complete program, only differences from pooled model

    // grouping variables
    // year_id is an integer starting at 1 (the earliest year)
    // ending at n_groups (the latest year)
    // we use this value as an index for any group-level effects
    int <lower=1> n_groups;
    int <lower=1, upper = n_groups> year_id [n];
parameters {
    // one intercept per group
    vector [n_groups] a;
transformed parameters {
    // a is different for each data point, depending on the group
    // so we need a loop to compute this
    for(i in 1:n) {
        int gid = year_id[i];
        p[i] = inv_logit(a[gid] + b * precip[i]);

Unpooled model: code

# factor variables must be converted to integers for stan
standat$year_id = as.integer(standat$year)

# we also need to tell stan how many groups (i.e., years) there are
standat$n_groups = max(standat$year_id)
fit_unpooled = sampling(tsuga_unpooled, chains=4, iter=3000, refresh=0, 
                        data = standat)

Unpooled models use less data per parameter

Unpooled models use less data per parameter

Compromise: partial pooling

  • We don’t really expect each year to be independent
    • it’s all one species, response to precipitation should be similar
    • some years are better or worse than others
  • Imagine instead there is a population of possible years, each with its own mortality
  • This population has a true mean and a true variance
  • The samples we’ve taken will come from that distribution
  • This can tell us something about all possible years, not just these years

Partial Pooling: Code

data {
    // not the complete program, only differences from pooled model

    // grouping variables
    // year_id is an integer starting at 1 (the earliest year)
    // ending at n_groups (the latest year)
    // we use this value as an index for any group-level effects
    int <lower=1> n_groups;
    int <lower=1, upper = n_groups> year_id [n];
parameters {
    // one intercept and one slope per group
    vector [n_groups] a;
    vector [n_groups] b;

    // hyperparameters describe higher-level structure in the data
    // in this case both the a's and b's come from populations
    // with their own mean and variance to be estimated from the data
    real a_mu;
    real <lower=0> a_sig;
    real b_mu;
    real <lower=0> b_sig;
transformed parameters {
    for(i in 1:n) {
        int gid = year_id[i];
        p[i] = inv_logit(a[gid] + b[gid] * precip[i]);
model {
    // The priors are now estimated from the data
    a ~ normal(a_mu, a_sig);
    b ~ normal(b_mu, b_sig);
    // hyperpriors describe what we know about higher (group-level) structure
    a_mu ~ normal(0, 20);
    b_mu ~ normal(0, 20);
    // half cauchy is common for hierarchical stdev
    a_sig ~ cauchy(0, 20);
    b_sig ~ cauchy(0, 20);


Partial pooling is a compromise

Partial pooling is a compromise

Pooling comparison

Pooling comparison

When do we need hierarchical models?

When do we need hierarchical models?

When do we need hierarchical models?

Designing hierarchical models in Stan

  • You must specify data/objects at all levels
  • Often we use an indexing variable to link observations to their group
  • This variable must start at 1 and end at n_groups
data {
    // group-level objects
    int <lower=1> n_groups;
    int <lower=1, upper=n_groups> group_id [n];
parameters {
    vector [n_groups] a; 
    // hyperparameters
    real a_mu;
    real a_sig;
transformed parameters {
    pr[i] = inv_logit(a[group_id[i]]);
model {
    a ~ normal(a_mu, a_sig);  // hierarchical prior for a

Designing hierarchical models in Stan

  • You must specify data/objects at all levels
  • Often we use an indexing variable to link observations to their group
  • This variable must start at 1 and end at n_groups
  • Multiple non-nested groups are possible

data {
    int n; // number of data points
    int died [n]
    int N[n];
    vector [n] precip;

    // group-level objects
    int <lower=1> n_group1;
    int <lower=1, upper=n_group1> group1_id [n];

    int <lower=1> n_group2;
    int <lower=1, upper=n_group2> group2_id [n];
parameters {
    vector [n_group1] a1; 
    vector [n_group2] a2; 
    // hyperparameters
    real a1_mu;
    real <lower=0> a1_sig;
    real a2_mu;
    real <lower=0> a2_sig;
transformed parameters {
    vector [n] pr;
    for(i in 1:n)
        pr[i] = inv_logit(a1[group1_id[i]] + a2[group2_id[i]] + b*precip[i]);
model {
    died ~ binomial(N, pr); // likelihood

    a1 ~ normal(a1_mu, a1_sig);  // hierarchical prior for a1
    a2 ~ normal(a2_mu, a2_sig);  // hierarchical prior for a2

    // hyperpriors
    a1_mu ~ normal(0,10)
    a2_mu ~ normal(0,10)
    a1_sig ~ gamma(0.1, 0.1);
    a2_sig ~ gamma(0.1, 0.1);

Designing hierarchical models in Stan

  • Nested groups add an additional hierarchical layer

data {
    int n; // number of data points
    int died [n]
    int N[n];
    vector [n] temperature;

    // group-level objects
    int <lower=1> n_group1;
    int <lower=1, upper=n_group1> group1_id [n];

    int <lower=1> n_group2;
    int <lower=1, upper=n_group2> group2_id [n_group1];
parameters {
    vector [n_group1] a1; 
    vector [n_group2] a2; 
    // hyperparameters
    real <lower=0> a1_sig;
    real a2_mu;
    real <lower=0> a2_sig;
transformed parameters {
    vector [n] pr;
    for(i in 1:n)
        pr[i] = inv_logit(a1[group1_id[i]] + b*precip[i]);
model {
    died ~ binomial(N, pr); // likelihood

    for(i in n_group1)
        a1 ~ normal(a2[i], a1_sig);  // hierarchical prior for a1
    // hyperpriors
    a2 ~ normal(a2_mu, a2_sig);  // hierarchical prior for a2
    a1_sig ~ gamma(0.1, 0.1);
    // hyperhyperprior
    a2_mu ~ normal(0,10)

Posterior predictive distributions

  • Do we want to predict new observations from a known group?
    • e.g: What is the PPD for trees in 1989?
    • Use generated quantities block in Stan
  • Or new observations from an unknown group?
    • Simulate new values for each param, drawn from hyper params
    • Then simulate the individual observations
sim1 = function(amu, asig, bmu, bsig, N, precip) {
    a = rnorm(length(precip), amu, asig)
    b = rnorm(length(precip), bmu, bsig)
    p = plogis(a + b*precip)
    rbinom(length(precip), N, p)

Posterior predictive distributions

newx = seq(min(standat$precip), max(standat$precip), length.out=400)
pars = data.frame(as.matrix(fit_ppool, pars=c("a_mu", "a_sig", "b_mu", "b_sig")))

# For our hypothetical, we need to decide how many trees we would see
# more trees means less sampling uncertainty
N = 20
sims = mapply(sim1, amu = pars$a_mu, asig = pars$a_sig,
              bmu = pars$b_mu, bsig = pars$b_sig, 
              MoreArgs = list(N = 20, precip = newx))
sim_quantiles = apply(sims, 1, quantile, c(0.5, 0.05, 0.95))